God Is My Co-Pilot

God Is My Co-Pilot

1945 • Action, Adventure, War
Robert L. Scott has dreamed his whole life of being a fighter pilot, but when war comes he finds himself flying transport planes over The Hump into China. In China, he persuades General Chennault to let him fly with the famed Flying Tigers, the heroic band of airmen who'd been fighting the Japanese long before Pearl Harbor. Scott gets his chance to fight, ultimately engaging in combat with the deadly Japanese pilot known as Tokyo Joe.
Runtime: 1h 30m
For those seeking a deeper understanding of World War II aviation and the personal experiences of a pilot, Robert L. Scott’s memoir 'God Is My Co-Pilot' offers a rich and vivid narrative that the 1945 film adaptation only touches upon. Scott’s writing captures the raw emotions, breathtaking adventures, and spiritual journey of a fighter pilot in a way that evokes the authenticity and peril of aerial combat during the war. Diving into the pages of Scott’s book allows readers to witness firsthand accounts of the realities faced by American pilots, going beyond the cinematic portrayal to explore the quiet moments of introspection and faith that shaped these warriors’ lives. The depth and detail found in Scott’s prose bring his remarkable story to life, offering insights and reflections on courage, resilience, and belief that can only be truly appreciated by immersing oneself in his words.

God Is My Co-Pilot inspired from

God Is My Co-Pilot
by Robert L. Scott