Henry & June
1990 • Romance • NC-17
While traveling in Paris, author Henry Miller and his wife, June, meet Anais Nin, and sexual sparks fly as Nin starts an affair with the openly bisexual June. When June is forced to return to the U.S., she gives Nin her blessing to sleep with her husband. Then, when June returns to France, an unexpected, and sometimes contentious, threesome forms.
Runtime: 2h 16m
Dive into the captivating world of Anaïs Nin's unexpurgated diaries, where you'll uncover a deeply personal narrative that goes beyond cinematic portrayal. In "Henry and June," Nin's intricate reflections bring to life her intense relationships with Henry Miller and his wife June, offering a raw and honest glimpse into her emotional and intellectual growth.
Reading Nin's diaries provides an unmatched intimacy, allowing you to experience her inner thoughts and nuanced observations. The richness of Nin's prose and her ability to articulate the complexities of human emotion and desire are unparalleled, capturing a vibrancy that cinema often struggles to convey fully.
Moreover, through the diaries, readers gain access to the rich layers of Nin's artistic soul, her struggles with identity, and the way she navigates the intricate dance of love, passion, and creativity. Embrace the full spectrum of her experience and the authentic voice of a writer unafraid to explore the boundaries of self-discovery.
Henry & June inspired from
Henry and June: From A Journal of Love: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin (1931–1932)
by Anaïs Nin