Once Upon a Crime

Once Upon a Crime

2023 • Comedy, Crime, FantasyPG
While at the royal ball with Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood finds herself in the middle of a mystery. Can she solve the case before midnight strikes?
Runtime: 1h 45m
Immerse yourself in the world crafted by Aito Aoyagi, where classical fairy tales take unexpected turns. Through the pages of "Akazukin, Tabi no Tochu de Shitai to Deau," readers are invited on a literary journey that transcends the limitations of a film adaptation. Aoyagi's intricate storytelling and richly detailed narrative offer an experience that a screen simply cannot replicate. While the movie offers a visual spectacle, the novel provides a deeper, more intimate exploration of its characters and themes. Readers will find themselves pondering the motives and complexities of characters that a movie's runtime can scarcely touch upon. Discover the layers that only an author's prose can unfurl and relish the subtleties that make Aoyagi's work a masterpiece in its own right.

Once Upon a Crime inspired from

Akazukin, Tabi no Tochu de Shitai to Deau
by Aito Aoyagi