1937 • Comedy, Fantasy, Romance • PG-13
Madcap couple George and Marion Kerby are killed in an automobile accident. They return as ghosts to try and liven up the regimented lifestyle of their friend and bank president, Cosmo Topper. When Topper starts to live it up, it strains relations with his stuffy wife.
Runtime: 1h 37m
Dive into Thorne Smith’s novel 'Topper' to experience the rich humor and imaginative storytelling that the film adaptation perhaps only skims. Smith's writing offers a depth in character portrayal, particularly of Cosmo Topper, that allows readers to discover layers of complexity and wit not fully explored on screen. Embrace the jovial and mischievous spirit of the Kerbys in a way that only the original pages can convey, immersing yourself in the era’s charm and romantic escapades. Each chapter unfolds a delightful blend of humor and satire, making it a rewarding read beyond the visual comedy presented in the movie.
Topper inspired from
by Thorne Smith